Now the holiday period is over it's time to take a breath and start fresh!
We all just spent months leading up to the most anticipated time of year, buying presents, cooking food, decorating, creating cheer for the little ones, hosting events, putting on fundraisers! The Christmas burnout is a very real thing for some of us so a fresh January is exactly what we need.
Here's four tips to get organised and start the year off strong!
1. Self-care
We often forget to look after ourselves when we're busy organising everyone else but it doesn't have to be a huge trip to the spa, just a simple cup of tea and a book or a face mask in the bath can do just as much.
Check out our range of self-care boxes to find something that fits with your schedule.
2. Utilise your calendar
Having a small calendar on your desk, a magnetic wipeable one on your fridge or a big multi-section calendar with enough space for the whole family, it's worth utilising this underrated tool. Add your work scheduled, kids school schedule or extracurricular activities, birthdays, holidays etc and ensure you don't miss a thing! If you use a digital calendar you can set alerts to keep you updated so you don't even need to check it!
Take it a step further and check out our daily planner. That's true organisation!
3. Family time
The Holiday seasons are all about family time, it's all we see on tv, social media or billboards outside but we spend so much of it going to events that we don't really spend proper time together. Grab something tasty, pick up the board game your kids got or stick on a movie and just chill out together! You've earned it.
4. Have a clear out
With the holiday period comes a whole load of new things taking up space in your house so January is a great time to go through your clothes, toys, books and de clutter! Take things to charity, give things to friends, throw things away and recycle to save yourself space and stress.